For further information on any of GSIA's services, please contact:
Chairman and CEO - Richard Chace
Chief of Staff - Linda Baker
Executive Assistant/Concierge - Daisy Zhou
Programming Officer/Media & Communications Manager- Sasha Liao
Membership/Conference Manager - Rina Yang
IES/Research Manager - Jady Xu
GSIA Hong Kong Representative Office and Registered Agent - Henry Lee
360 Business Solutions Ltd, 510 Wayson Comm BLDG, 28 Connaught RD West, HONG KONG
GSIA Americas Representative Office - Andrea Duarte
Neocom Corporation, 8333 NW 53RD ST, Suite 450/456, Doral, FL 33166 USA
GSIA India Representative Office - GB Singh
Security House, 24-B Udyog Vihar - V, Gurgaon - 122016, INDIA
GSIA Russia Representative Office - Andrey Miroshkin
Groteck Business Media 30, 3-Magistralnaya UI, Moscow, 123007, RUSSIA