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GSIA Chairman Keynotes at Seagate® Distributor Conference Noting “Interconnectivity” is Great Asset but can be a Greater Security Threat
GSIA Chairman Keynotes at Seagate® Distributor Conference Noting “Interconnectivity” is Great Asset but can be a Greater Security Threat

Manila, Philippine (Oct, 30, 2014):Global Security Industry Alliance (GSIA) chairman and founder, Mr. Richard Chace was invited by Seagate®’s Asia Pacific Management to give a speech on the state of the global security industry on Oct, 30, 2014 at their annual Distributors Conference, held this year in Manila.

Founded in 1979, Seagate® is a world-leading storage device provider based in the USA. Seagate® offers the industry’s broadest portfolio of hard disc drives, solid state drives and solid state hybrid drives. In addition, the Company offers an extensive line of retail storage products for consumers and small businesses, along with data recovery services for any brand of hard drive and digital media type. Since 2009, GSIA has provided access to subject matter experts and information on the global security industry with Seagate® offices in China and as a recent GSIA strategic partner, Seagate® has worked to make positive contributions to the development of the global security community.

Mr. Chace began by addressing the “accelerating changes” in the 21st century that have begun to bind countries, economies and business ever more tightly together through better infrastructure, faster and more efficient communication systems, and closer trade and investment links. He noted that while innovations such as the Internet and mobile phone have boosted productivity, created new business opportunities and enhanced access to information, the overall levels of interconnectivity that exist today that have lifted millions out of poverty stand to pose one of the greatest threats to our global and local security.

Mr. Chace mentioned that with the fast economic and scientific developments within every corner of this world, risks and threats may probably come from diverse sources. Disruptions in the online environment are becoming as impactful as those in the physical world, if not more.

He noted that since early 2000’s, the world’s security issues have been increasingly shown to be tied to global risks that can be systemic in nature, causing breakdowns of entire systems and not only their component parts and he stressed that as participants in the security industry we should be well versed more than most in the ways of identifying, assessing and managing those risks.

Mr. Chace told the conference delegates that he deal feel the linear practices of the past are beginning to give way to a more effective and continuous process of improving how global risks and their interconnections can be put
on decision-makers’ radar screens, processes that show how governments, business and civil society can work together effectively to build resilience and mitigate any negative effects accruing from them.

Mr. Chace did provide data on global security market trends and reviewed the impact Wireless Technology, IP network technology, video surveillance as a service and managed video, Video Management and Analytics Software, security management software (including PSIM and PIAM) are having on the global market as well as the business opportunities they are creating for dealers and distributors.

Mr. Chace closed his remarks by encouraging the distributors in the audience to become advocates and champions in helping their customers find a way to realize a “return on investment” for their security purchases. Chace noted that they as equipment suppliers and distributors are at the front lines of our industry and as such have a great impact on how technology is meaningfully defined and used by people working to mitigate the shared global risks of this world.

“Seagate® is a company that “gets-it”…it gets that to be part of the global security industry is a lot more than just building a product…it is about understanding the dynamics of the marketplace and providing the tools its distributors and customers need to be better educated and trained. Its very clear to me that they have the right focus and the right people working very hard to develop valuable products and services that will assist in building a strong global security community.”


About GSIA: "Thinking Locally - Acting Globally." The Global Security Industry Alliance (GSIA) is an Alliance designed to unite the global security community around the principles of fairness, honesty, innovation, sharing, open communication, and "win-win" strategic cooperation. Since 2009, the GSIA has been guided by a charter, originally signed by representatives of 30 international security trade groups, societies and law enforcement organizations from 25 different countries, which promotes the building and maintaining of an international resource network dedicated to the advancement of fair international trade policies, support of beneficial trade exhibitions and conference programs, development of education and certification programs, identification and development of accurate market research, and support of technology standards and best practices for the global security community. Please visit the GSIA website at



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