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Press Room - Press Releases

Huawei Holds Safe City Africa Summit in Cape Town and GSIA Chairman Makes Keynotes
GSIA Announces SAVE THE DATE for Global Security Industry Congress 2013
SAVE THE DATE for Global Security Industry Congress to be co-located with CPSE Show October 31-November 3, 2013.
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Global Security Industry Alliance (GSIA) Announces New Subject Matter Expert (GSIA SME) Network
This is a free service for SME's to sign up and promote their services and areas of expertise to a global audience and community.
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The Global Security Industry Alliance (GSIA) Launches New Industry Web Portal and Web Resource
The Global Security Industry Alliance (GSIA) is pleased to announce the launch of a new web portal designed to promote information sharing and further the development of a “global security community.”
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USAF awards USD6.4 billion Combat Air Force aggressor-training contract
The US Air Force (USAF) has awarded a contractor-based 'Red Air' training contract valued at USD6.4 billion, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced on 18 October.
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